Student Expectations

 CMS ASP 2024-25 Expected Behaviors from Students

At all times, students will:

  • Be Safe

 Walk indoors; use equipment properly; wash hands; use kind hands (no hitting, shoving, etc)

  • Be Respectful

Keep your hands, feet & body to yourself; do not touch other people’s things or take them without permission; kind words and voices (no yelling, screaming or saying hurtful/untrue things, swearing)

  • Be Responsible

Put your stuff where it belongs; clean up after yourself; do homework when you have it; tell the truth

Students with a D or and F will get everything caught up and turned in before they do activities

During snack, students will:

  • Eat snack at the tables and chairs. Not in the hallway or library
  • Clean up all trash before going outside
  • Stay in 103
  • During Recess, students will:
  • Stay in the playground area
  • Be respectful & responsible to others, themselves and the equipment
  • Play fair- If you’re tagged or out, or foul, you accept it
  • Not roughhouse
  • Pickup all equipment used and put it away before going inside
  • Line up quickly and walk back inside while keeping all body parts to themselves. 

During Academic Time (3:50-4:30), students will:

  • Only use phones for parent contact and music (w/ headphones).
  • Music may be removed if it causes too much of a distraction to the student or others; or if the students is misusing this 
  • Shout Out Re
  • Work on homework. If no homework then students will attend academic activities
  • ASP computers for homework only
  • Students can only be in 103 when there is academic activity in there 
  • Be respectful and responsible to themselves and others
    • Respect: let other students focus on their work; being quiet and non-distracting; using the alternate seating correctly;  being honest about what you have or don’t have done; share the staff members; use kind words when talking to others
    • Responsible: getting your homework finished before going to activities; checking and correcting homework; using the alternate seating correctly; doing what you can without help and then asking for help when needed; working on the next problem if you’re waiting for help (if you can); taking a brain break

During Activities, students will:

  • Pay attention and follow directions
  • Be respectful and responsible to others, themselves, and any equipment being used
  • Inform staff if they need to leave or go somewhere else
  • Clean up their area before leaving- this includes the kitchen! 

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