Peace of Mind Form

Peace of Mind Form

CMS After School Program


At the Chadron Middle School After School Program we believe that all students and those who are caring for them at home should have peace of mind and know that their child is safe at all times when attending after school program.  We do not require that an adult enters the building to sign a student out.  We release students per parent phone call or students are allowed to sign themselves out at any time. This is left entirely up to the parent or guardian.  

The staff at Chadron Middle School After School Program want to make sure that we are meeting the needs of the students and parents/guardians. Academic success is the major focus at our program, which is why we have a dedicated time for homework.  We prefer to have all students get their homework completed and checked, we can and will turn assignments in for them to the teacher, and students can complete their homework without the worry of not being able to join an activity late. Students who have a D or F in a class will stay with staff and get help in getting everything caught up, corrected and turned in before going to the activity for the day. We believe in giving students degrees of freedom and choices, but if there is something that you want us to do with your student, let us know!

Complete the form and either return it to the Afterschool Program, or email it directly to us!

Peace of Mind Form PDF

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