A typical Day at ASP

 End of day bell (3:18) to 3:45 pm

  • Students come to 103 and put their things down in a neat order
  • students will wash their hands or get some hand sanitizer
  • check in with staff and tell them if they're having snack or not
    • IF having snack- student takes both options. 
      • If student does not want one of the options, then student will place it in the share box
  • Students will sign up for activities for the day
  • Students will have time to unwind from the day: social time with peers, social media and open computer time (both of which is what parents/guardians and school policy say are okay for student to use)
  • Students will clean up their snack trash and any spills that they made
  • Students will be given the choice to go physical activity time (recess, usually outside) or up to the library to start on homework

Academic Activity Time 3:50-4:30 pm

  • Students who have homework will go to the library to work with tutors and staff to finish it
    • Student has option to have staff check homework
    • Staff can put student homework in teachers box, if student chooses
    • Pencils, paper, charts, and other materials are available to the student to use
    • Computers are available for those who have work online
      • Students who do not use the computer wisely will lose this privilege 
        • Students do have computers during the school day
        • If student loses computer privileges during school day, student will also lose computer privileges during ASP
  • Students who have a D or an F in a subject will go to the library and work with staff to get things caught up and turned in
    • Once student has everything completed, turned in and talked with staff, student can participate in activities
      • Grade does not have to say C or above- just as long as we know that student has everything caught up
      • If student states they have already turned everything in, staff will trust the student and check with the teacher(s)
    • Grades due to tests are taken into account
    • Staff can and will get assignments from teachers to let student work on them (with teacher consent) 
  • Students who do not have homework will first confirm that they do not have homework (selecting 'NO' on the homework sheet), then they will participate in the academic activity.
    • Academic activities are activities that work on building student background knowledge and skills in any subject. 
    • Students are encouraged to provide ideas and suggestions for academic activities

Activities 4:30-5:30 pm

  • Students should have signed up for activities before the start of academic assistance time
  • Staff or student led activities that are based on student interests
  • Students provide activity suggestions
    • Cooking, sports, artwork, filed trips to local businesses, science, what students suggest, we try to accomplish!
  • Before students leave the activity, they will clean up their area
  • The activity calendar can be found in the hallways, by the office, on the blog, and sent via Remind

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